Nicholas MerolleUsing form_with in Ruby on RailsWhile learning about the form_tag and form_for helper methods that are used in Ruby on Rails to create HTML forms I noticed that the rails…Aug 7, 2021Aug 7, 2021
Nicholas MerolleAuthentication in Sinatra using BcryptAuthentication in Sinatra is done by adding the bcrypt gem to your application. Once the gem is installed you can add a simple line to…Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
Nicholas MerolleSinatra Project: The card collectorFor my second project at Flatiron School I developed an app in Sinatra that allows a user to track sports cards in a collection. The…Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Nicholas MerolleCLI ProjectOk so I have made about 10 false starts on scraping only to find I could not find a reasonably scrapeable website that I was interested…Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021